Online Cake Shop

Pizza Delivery Shop in Asansol

Pizza Delivery Shop in Asansol, Hot Fresh Pizza, Best Pizza, Best Value, good to the last Slice, Best Pizza in Asansol, Order online and get it delivered at your door step.

Pizza is very easily transportable and retains all of its warmth, tastiness, and texture by the time it arrives to you. Luckily for us, several new pizza shops have opened up around the Asansol area, We at Asansol Indian Bakery beyond offering delicious carry-out and delivery options. Even more exciting is that We offer different styles of pizza, so when you are sick of one kind, you can try a different one and have a totally different experience!

Here are Top 20 Vegetarian Pizza You Should Try for free delivery and take-out in Asansol and Burnpur area.

  • Margherita Pizza

  • Golden Corn Pizza

  • Jalapeno & Red Paprika Pizza

  • Double Cheese Margherita Pizza

  • Onion Pizza

  • Farmhouse Pizza

  • Spicy Triple Tango

  • Paneer Special Pizza

  • Herby Pizza

  • Spicy Pizza

  • Orange cheddar and mozzarella Pizza

  • Vegetable Loaded Pizza

  • Mexican Green Wave pizza

  • Veggie Paradise Pizza

  • Pepper Pizza

  • Peppy Paneer Pizza

  • Veg Extravaganza

  • Cloud 9 Pizza

  • Deluxe Veggie